Valter Mainetti - Università

Valter Mainetti is Professor at the  University of Parma, Department of Economics, within the Specialized Degree Course in Finance and Risk Management, lecturing on the topic of real estate funds, real estate and the history of real estate finance.

He received on December 16, 2016 the title of Honorary Professore from the University of Parma in “Corporate Finance and Real Estate” with the following motivation of the Rector Professor Loris Borghi: “For his long standing collaboration with the University (he has been Professor at our University for 10 years) in research and teaching activities related to real estate funds, being a forerunner in Italy. He also received many acknowledgements and assignments nationally and internationally”.

The research conducted in these years of study has resulted in the soon-to-be-published work on the History of Public and Private Real Estate Finance, which will principally focus on the origins and history of the economy and real estate finance, outlining the difference and evolution in the years beginning with the distribution of land in ancient Sparta and agricultural politics in Republican Rome, passing through the analysis of land-based property in the Late Middle Ages and the Post Unification experiences in Italy, up until the analysis of the Roman republic of 1798, to subsequently deal with the birth and development of real estate funds in the United State and a comparison to the present Italian experience.

Valter Mainetti - Università


Valter Mainetti - Foto


In addition, within the field of university research the Università degli Studi di Parma in collaboration with Sorgente SGR, has published a book titled “I fondi Immobiliari ad apporto specializzati “– “Real Estate specialty contribution funds”. Released in 2006 by the publishing house Egea, it was re-edited in 2010.

The research conducted, which merges academic knowledge and technical competencies of industry professionals, aims to bring to light in a critical analysis the advantages and disadvantages of this vehicle which has seen an increase in use throughout Italy in recent years.


Researching about Real Estate economic history

  • Distribuzione della terra e posizione sociale nell’antica Sparta;
  • Politica agraria e distribuzione di terre nella Roma repubblica;
  • L’espansione della proprietà fondiaria nell’Italia del Basso Medioevo;
  • La vendita dei Beni nazionali nella Repubblica Romana del 1789-1799;
  • Esperienze di alienazione del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico nell’Italia post-unitaria;
  • Speculazione edilizia nell’Italia post-unitaria;
  • Speculazione edilizia nell’Italia di fine Ottocento;
  • La speculazione edilizia nella Florida degli anni Venti del Novecento;

Researching about RE Finance

  • Prime esperienze di finanza immobiliare
    • Mercato immobiliare e sistema creditizio nell’Italia centro-settentrionale tra ‘500 e ‘700;
  • La nascita della finanza immobiliare moderna;
  • Le esperienze italiane moderne
    • La stagione degli atipici in Italia;
  • Il dibattito sui fondi comuni immobiliari: le prime proposte di legge per l’Italia;
  • La cartolarizzazione immobiliare in Italia;
  • Il panorama europeo dei prodotti di finanza immobiliare;

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